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Hostinger Review: Cheap, But What’s the Catch? [2024]

Suzanne Stewart Suzanne Stewart Web Hosting Expert

When I first heard about Hostinger’s very affordable hosting plans, I suspected this might be yet another web hosting provider that cuts corners just to lure you in with a low price. But when we launched a test website on Hostinger’s servers, we were pleasantly surprised by the results.


Hostinger web hosting landing page
New Hostinger customers can claim steep discounts and free months of hosting

Hostinger is one of the most budget-friendly web hosting providers, starting at just ‎$2.99 per month. The catch? To secure the best deal, you have to commit to one of its years-long plans (up to four years), paid up front, ensuring a fixed discounted rate for the entire term. That’s a long commitment though – can Hostinger maintain its service quality over this period?

Our extensive and repeated testing suggests it most likely can. It specializes in shared WordPress hosting, targeting newcomers with ample support, making it ideal for personal sites, business landing pages, and small-to-medium online stores.

For traffic-heavy, resource-demanding websites, Hostinger offers VPS and cloud hosting, but these plans often lack value and flexibility when compared to higher-priced hosts.

Where Hostinger excels is as an entry-level shared web hosting solution, or for migrating from pricier providers. Most importantly, our tests have revealed that Hostinger offers shared hosting performance rivaling virtually all other budget hosts due to its LiteSpeed-based server infrastructure.

Notably, Hostinger’s website is available in numerous languages, with customer interfaces in Arabic, Chinese, French, German, Hindi, Indonesian, Lithuanian, Portuguese (including Brazilian Portuguese), Spanish (Argentina, Colombia, Mexico, and Spain), Turkish, and Ukrainian, catering to a global audience.



A Highly-Optimized Platform With Plenty of Resources

With prices being as low as they are, my anxious personality immediately identified two areas where Hostinger might be trying to pull one over on me: features and performance. Sure, I’d love to pay less than what the competitors charge, but I don’t want to get only some of what they provide.

Fortunately, I soon discovered that Hostinger provides a generous set of resources, plenty of built-in WordPress optimization, and all the critical features you need to get started. I focused my testing efforts on Hostinger’s WordPress Starter (now Managed WordPress Premium). Here are the features that stood out to me.

Optimized Performance From LiteSpeed Web Server

Screenshot displaying Hostinger's site settings with LiteSpeed enabled.
New WordPress sites are pre-optimized for maximum speed with Hostinger

Hostinger employs the impressively fast LiteSpeed web server – this is the software running on the physical server that delivers your website’s content to your visitors. LiteSpeed outperforms the more traditional Apache web server, upon which many other web hosts still rely due to its open-source (i.e. free) license.

LiteSpeed itself already offers great performance, but its LiteSpeed Cache for WordPress plugin stores pre-loaded (cached) copies of your web pages, which can then be more quickly delivered to your visitors.

Generous With Bandwidth, SSD Storage, and Number of Sites

With such affordable prices, I expected Hostinger to be tight on resources. Many budget web hosts cut costs by allocating fewer resources per customer, because this allows them to jam more hosting accounts onto each server.

But Hostinger offers plenty of resources for its low rates – the cheapest WordPress plan includes support for 100 websites, 100 GB of SSD storage, and unlimited bandwidth. This is more than what many other budget hosts offer with their most expensive plans. You’ll have plenty of room to grow and develop your online presence, and you’ll be able to host many sites at once.

Automatic Backups With One-Click Restoration

Screenshot of Hostinger's backup management page
Hostinger gives you plenty of control over your backups

Data loss can be absolutely ruinous for an online business. You don’t want to spend hours working on your site just to lose it all to a wifi glitch, or even to an honest mistake. Thankfully, Hostinger offers a flexible backup tool that allows you to create, download, or restore backups.

In addition, Hostinger offers weekly automatic backups – as it does with the WordPress Starter (now Managed WordPress Premium) plan – with a free upgrade to daily automatic backups with higher-tier shared plans. Alternatively, you can pay for this feature as an add-on.

Unlimited Free SSL and a Robust Security Suite

No matter how tight your budget is, you can’t afford to go with a web host that’ll leave your site vulnerable to malware or DDoS attacks. Fortunately, Hostinger understands the importance of security and provides protection from an array of potential online threats.

Every plan includes free SSL for all your sites, an in-house-developed web application firewall, an automatic malware scanner, and Cloudflare DDoS protection for Hostinger’s nameservers – this is not to be confused with Cloudflare’s content delivery network (CDN), which isn’t enabled by default. This may not be the most advanced security suite out there – but it’ll keep you safe from the most common threats. It’s also more than what you’d get with most other budget hosts.

Free domain name?
Free SSL?
Money-back guarantee 30 days
Uptime guarantee 99.9%
Data centers 2 in the US, 4 in Europe, 3 in Asia, and 1 in South America

Ease of use

Hostinger Automates Setup To Get You Started

Overall, Hostinger offers a remarkably easy platform to work with, from sign-up to developing and managing your website. We had no trouble purchasing a plan and building our test website.

This is due in part to Hostinger’s proprietary control panel, hPanel, which is really easy to navigate (more on this later). Here’s what you can expect when you sign up for an account, and set up a site on Hostinger’s platform.

Creating a New Account

Signing up with Hostinger was refreshingly easy. Hosting plans were clearly laid out, and we had no problems discerning what was included with each of them. The WordPress Starter (now Managed WordPress Premium) plan offers a free domain name if you choose an annual or longer billing cycle, which was a nice addition. This is the case with every WordPress plan.

What’s particularly nice is that we only had to provide a minimum of information – there was no huge, time-consuming form requiring a ridiculous amount of personal data. We were also given the option to sign-up with a Facebook or Google account to simplify the process.

Accepted payment methods include all major credit cards, PayPal, Google Pay, AliPay, and even some cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin. Thankfully, Hostinger didn’t pre-select any add-ons or try to upsell us during checkout. It was always clear how much we were paying, and for what services.

After payment was complete, our account was set up. We were ready to connect our domain and install WordPress in under a minute.

Connecting a Domain and Installing WordPress

Once your account has been created, Hostinger takes you through some set-up steps. We were first presented with a short questionnaire, the purpose of which was to set up the hosting environment and to auto-configure LiteSpeed’s caching to maximize performance based on your particular needs. This allows you to take full advantage of LiteSpeed without having to figure how to optimize the settings yourself.

From there, we were asked if we would like to install WordPress automatically. This again was really quick and easy, as I only had to enter an administrator email address and password, and optionally choose a starter theme.

Screenshot of Hostinger's WordPress auto-installation setup screen
Hostinger can optionally install the WooCommerce plugin with WordPress

With that, the next step was connecting a domain name. As we had signed up for the WordPress Premium plan on an annual billing cycle, we were able to claim a free domain name. Be aware that not all domain extensions are available with Hostinger’s free domain name offer, though the popular .com is included.

After choosing a domain name and extension, we just had to pick a data center. We went with a US-based location, but you should choose the location nearest to your target audience. Once this was done, we were given a summary of the information we had entered, which we confirmed to begin installing WordPress and registering our domain name.

Five minutes later, WordPress installation and domain registration were complete. Our domain was automatically connected to our site as part of the setup process, but we had to wait some hours for DNS (domain name system) propagation to complete. This is an unavoidable process that takes place whenever you connect a new domain, and it may prevent your WordPress installation from being accessible online until it is complete.

After an hour or two of waiting, DNS propagation was complete. We were then able to upload our custom WordPress theme and access our test website online. Overall, Hostinger sets up nearly all of the hosting and basic WordPress framework for you.

Beginner-Friendly hPanel Makes Hosting Easy To Manage

Hostinger has developed its own proprietary control panel, called hPanel. It’s a joy to use – it’s easy to navigate, cleanly designed, and gives you access to all the basic processes you need to manage your sites.

That said, it can be a bit slow at times, depending on which settings you’re accessing. Entering the File Manager can take several seconds of loading, for example. Accessing the WordPress Admin area can also take several seconds – though the fact that the WordPress login process is reduced to a single click in hPanel makes up for the loading time.

Flexible Drag-and-Drop Site Builder, Included Free

Screenshot of Hostinger's AI builder
Hostinger’s AI website builder is the latest addition to its list of hosting features

If you want to design a website quickly and easily without having to learn WordPress, Hostinger includes a free AI site builder with its hosting plans. Like hPanel, this has also been developed in-house by Hostinger, and it allows you to build websites via a drag-and-drop interface.

Even if you already have a WordPress-based website, you can try switching over to the builder app for a limited time, and if you don’t like it, your original site will be restored, free of charge.

One-Click Installer for 100+ Apps

In addition to a simple installation for WordPress, Hostinger’s Auto Installer lets you easily install over 100+ applications. This includes alternative CMSs (content management systems) like Joomla or Drupal, along with apps for database management, message boards, and more.

The selection may not seem to be quite as extensive as some other auto installers, but it offers all of the most useful and popular apps.



One of the Fastest Budget Web Hosts Out There

Despite being significantly cheaper than many popular entry-level hosts, Hostinger excelled in our performance tests. It was easily one of the best-performing shared hosting providers we’ve ever tested, and it wasn’t too far behind some of the top premium hosting providers.

Hostinger provides data centers located in the US, Europe, Asia, and South America. If your website is aimed at attracting visitors from Africa, Australia, or the Middle East, it’s advisable to select the closest accessible data center to their respective locations.

To test Hostinger fairly, we built a website to simulate an average promotional site, filled with text, high-quality images, custom fonts, and plenty of complex code for interactive elements. We then put this website through multiple third-party testing tools – namely GTmetrix, Sucuri Load Time Tester, and UptimeRobot.

Nutritionistica WordPress test website
Our custom test site has all the typical elements of an e-commerce site
Our test site with Hostinger achieved a typical loading time of about 0.8s and 100% uptime over a month. Put simply, it would be difficult to find better performance than this at Hostinger’s prices – see the impressive results for yourself below.


We used GTmetrix to test our website’s performance in a local setting. To do this, we selected a source server in the US, not too far away from our test site’s data center. We then completed a week-long performance analysis with hourly speed tests.

Screenshot of a GTmetrix test performed on a site hosted by Hostinger
GTmetrix gave Hostinger an A rating

So, what did we find? During a week of testing, our website on Hostinger’s server achieved a typical Fully Loaded Time of just 0.8s. To put that in perspective, most other budget hosts hover around 2s to 3s – Hostinger manages to be several times faster.

How does it do this? Well, it is due in part to the default LiteSpeed optimization settings enabled by Hostinger when we first installed WordPress. For example, the default image compression reduced the total content on our test page in size from about 1 MB to just under 800 KB, allowing the page to load more quickly.

GTmetrix graph showing Hostinger's performance over a week
Besides a few hiccups, Hostinger’s performance was consistent

There were a few instances where our site took 1.5s to 2.0s to load. However, even these worst-case results are still within acceptable guidelines for visitor retention. And notably, as each of our tests is conducted from a “fresh” browser instance, some of the cache settings don’t affect these results – but a real website visitor should see the page load even faster on repeat visits.

The results for Time to First Byte – the amount of time it takes for the server to start sending website data – were typically around 0.2s. This is a very good speed – it isn’t unusual to see this number at 0.5s or higher from shared hosting services.

Sucuri Load Time Tester

Next, we wanted to take a look at how Hostinger performed on a global scale. To do this, we used Sucuri’s Load Time Tester.

To get the best loading speeds on an international scale, you’ll usually need to have a CDN (content delivery network) active. This saves copies of your website’s content (images and code, for example) on servers around the world, so visitors far away from your chosen data center can access some of your content from a server that is closer to them. Most providers do not have a CDN pre-enabled, requiring you to set one up yourself.

While Hostinger supports Cloudflare’s CDN, you’ll have to sign up for an account and configure it yourself, even if you’re just using the free Cloudflare plan. As this isn’t a straightforward process, we don’t enable it – we test hosting plans “out of the box” in their default state, so we can tell you how well they will work for beginner users.

Hostinger performance test results from Sucuri Load Time Tester
With a CDN, Hostinger would perform better globally, but these results are pretty good

The results were surprising. Our test site achieved loading speeds of about 1s in Europe and South America, despite being hosted at one of Hostinger’s US data centers.

While it was far slower in Singapore and Australia, reaching around 2s, this is still well within acceptable limits. In fact, these results are better than some of the budget hosts in these regions can deliver on their own home turf.


Finally, we measured Hostinger’s reliability. After all, it doesn’t matter how fast a host can make your website load if it’s rarely online to begin with.

To test Hostinger’s uptime, we monitored our test website with UptimeRobot for an entire month. Whenever an instance of downtime occurred, it would be recorded.

Screenshot of an UptimeRobot test for Hostinger
It really doesn’t get better than this – well done, Hostinger

Amazingly, there were no instances of downtime to record. Our test site was online and available for the duration of the testing period. Hosting providers with much more expensive plans sometimes struggle to match this result.

Hostinger also offers a 99.9% uptime guarantee. If Hostinger fails to achieve this uptime within a specific month, you can request compensation in the form of service credits. This is not unique since a 99.9% uptime guarantee is the industry standard.

Hostinger is a bit stingy with credits if you are entitled to compensation. You’d only be due 5% credit towards your next monthly bill. Thankfully, by our tests, it doesn’t look like you’ll frequently need to claim compensation, if ever.



Polite but Primarily Relies on Links to Documentation

Hostinger’s support service is available 24/7 through live chat and email. While budget hosts often say they provide 24/7 technical support, you might have to wait a long time for an agent to become available.

The quality of the support itself may vary as well – some hosts save money by outsourcing support to third-party support teams who don’t have an understanding of hosting in general, never mind your particular issue.

So, does Hostinger have these problems? To find out, I pretended to be a complete newbie to web hosting, and asked some basic questions.

You can easily contact Hostinger support from anywhere in hPanel by clicking the speech bubble icon on the bottom right of the dashboard. This will take you to the support screen, where you will first be required to select a topic relevant to your issue. When you click one of these, Hostinger will display links to knowledge base documentation on your chosen topic.

For basic queries, this can be really useful, as you’ll likely find the answer to your question in one of these articles. Hostinger’s knowledge base is fairly extensive, and filled with concise step-by-step guides for all the basics – some tutorials even include video guides.

If none of the suggested articles turn out to be of any help, you are then given the option to contact support. I did so via live chat, hoping to get a quick response.

Screenshot of a Hostinger live chat support interaction
Hostinger’s support agent was polite and friendly

I was met with a banner stating that live chat agents typically respond in under 10 minutes – a perfectly mediocre response time. I typed out a question asking how I could optimize my site for faster performance, and waited.

14 minutes later, I got my response. The Hostinger support agent was friendly and quick to respond to subsequent queries. They answered all my questions with links to the knowledge base, even when I tried to ask for more direct recommendations for WordPress optimization plugins.

This was just OK. The linked articles provided helpful, relevant information, but I wanted more personalized help. The support agent never asked about my website specifics or current loading speed, not even once. Call me cynical, but if your live support agents can only share documentation links, they might as well be bots.

Next up, I tried email support. I asked how to set up a CDN to speed up my website. Hostinger’s email support only promises a reply within a single business day, so I prepared myself for a longer wait.

Surprisingly, after just a couple of minutes, I got a response from an agent stating they were looking into my query. Then, 22 minutes after my initial email, I got a detailed response to my question, which is pretty fast for email support. It wasn’t too far behind the wait time for live chat.

Screenshot of a Hostinger email support interaction
It seems Hostinger’s support agents really know what they’re talking about

This was a similar level of quality to my previous live chat experience. They sent me links to guides on configuring a CDN, which gave me everything I needed to know. They also sent me some extra resources on site performance optimization, which was a nice touch that I was grateful for.

Overall, Hostinger’s support is a little slow, but helpful. That said, the support agents seem reluctant to go the extra mile, or to provide detailed help with queries that are too complex to be answered by a short knowledge base article.

Still, compared to the terrible experiences I’ve had with some other hosting support services, support quality was pretty decent overall.



Massive Discounts for New Customers (and a Free Domain Name With Certain Plans)

Pricing is usually what draws customers to Hostinger in the first place. Hostinger is easily one of the most affordable options for shared and WordPress hosting, with prices starting as low as $2.99 per month. These can be purchased on monthly, annual, biennial, and quadrennial (that’s 4 years!) billing cycles.

Signing up for four years gets you the best prices, but it also locks you into the longest commitment. The monthly plans are rather poor value, though you can still get a good deal with the annual or biennial plans. Hostinger offers a risk-free 30-day money-back guarantee, so if you aren’t satisfied, you can cancel within the first month for a full refund.


Save up to 75 % on your Hostinger plan!

Limited-time offer - Don't miss it!

8854 users used this coupon!

I’ll let you in on a little secret – you can get an even better deal if you play your cards right. The WordPress Starter (now Managed WordPress Premium) plan comes with a free domain name, while the entry-level Single Web Hosting plan does not – meaning you’ll actually save more money with the higher-tier plan in your first year of hosting. You’ll get unlimited bandwidth and email accounts too, making it the best-value plan overall.


Hostinger’s reasonably priced shared hosting plans are deserving of your time and money. The performance is outstanding considering the cost, and its user-friendly platform is simple to navigate for both novices and experienced developers.

It also offers a generous set of resources and features that surpasses much of the competition. If you’re just starting out with your first site, or looking to run a bunch of low-to-medium-traffic sites while keeping costs low, Hostinger should be one of your top options.


What is Hostinger best used for?

It depends on your needs. We don’t recommend Hostinger’s shared services for an e-commerce site that gets an enormous volume of traffic or a custom-built web application that needs a really flexible hosting environment.

However, Hostinger is one of your best options for a beginner-friendly service to host a basic website. It’s very affordable and offers some of the fastest performance we’ve seen from a shared host.

What are the cons of Hostinger?

Hostinger is primarily known as a shared hosting provider. While it does offer premium solutions such as VPS and cloud hosting, these aren’t its specialty – and these plans tend to lack value when compared with competing solutions from other providers. Also, the 24/7 support may take a while to respond, and it failed to go the extra mile in our tests.

What makes Hostinger hosting plans worth considering?

Hostinger actually topped our list of the best web hosting providers for 2024. This is primarily because it combines superb performance and generous plan packages with low prices. That said, it isn’t the perfect fit for everyone. I’d recommend taking a look at the other hosting providers on our list if Hostinger doesn’t seem right for you.

Does Hostinger cost more when you renew?

Yes. When the discounts on your initial hosting term end, Hostinger renews at the full price. This can mean quite a steep increase, so be wary when you sign up. That said, Hostinger is still fairly affordable even after renewal when compared to the long-term pricing of other budget hosts.
Suzanne Stewart Suzanne Stewart
Suzanne has been a freelance writer and editor for 31 years, and has been writing online content since 2008. She holds professional certifications in editing and SEO strategy. She’s often been in the same desk chair as our Website Planet readers, needing to know what’s best and what’s best avoided. When she’s not testing and reviewing vendors, Suz is a professional artist as well as a volunteer therapy musician, playing the Celtic lap harp. She is a nature-lover who is often found walking the hiking trails near her home. She also enjoys time with her family, her grandchildren, and two cats.
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I like their technical support

Before I found HostingerI looked at many choices, some cheaper. Amongst them, I chose Hostinger and DedicatedCore for my VPS needs. Last night, I tried to fix my server issue, Just after I asked for help from live chat, their support team came in and fixed the problem for me in seconds. If you are not a technical expert like me, the support from Hostinger Hosting and DedicatedCore will help you a lot.

Albetto Halfkings, USA
July 05, 2024
Dhocking communications.

After signing up I tried to start the migration process for a WordPress site built using the Divi builder. Divi is crucial to me as I’ve paid for a lifetime license and I like it. I tried searching on the subject and found endless articles on WP but no mention of Divi. I tried to open a chat but the window was unintuitive despite my 25 years of being a hosting customer with multiple suppliers. Sending an email to support@... I got replies directing me to knowledgebase articles but ignoring my question. The screen shots didn’t match what I saw on the screen. Even in those emails no mention of Divi. Even trying to find the chat window or ask the question the next day I couldn’t find the chat window, the floating icon is there (sometimes) but even then it still seemed to send me to the knowledgebase. This is all despite their basic stating that it’s suitable for hobbyists. Eventually, I managed to initiate a chat but only when I was asking for a refund. It’s a great value service but if you are not doing this every day or you have to do a new process occasionally expect to be left high and dry. It’s almost as though this is a company that doesn’t want to communicate with its customers.

Andy, Great Britain
April 11, 2024

Hi, Andy, At Hostinger, we're constantly perfecting the services we offer, and our customer's feedback is our stepping stone. Thanks for sharing yours. The concerned teams received your review to investigate the situation, but don't hesitate to share any additional improvement suggestions via [email protected]. Let's keep in touch! Best wishes, Team Hostinger

Hostinger , USA
May 28, 2024
Scam Hosting company

Dont choose this hosting, as they are scamming money from people, giving no service. Charging for the what they are not providing, hosting is extra slow compare to other hosting in the market. If you want a slow hosting/server than only choose this Hostinger.

Manoj Kumar, Hungary
February 28, 2024

Hello there, Thank you for taking the time to share your experience with us. Your feedback is invaluable in helping us identify improvement opportunities, so we can do our best to deliver a solid and reliable service. If you have any further thoughts you'd like to share with us, don't hesitate to do so via [email protected]. After all, without our customers' feedback, we wouldn't be able to improve. Best regards, Team Hostinger

anonymus , USA
April 05, 2024

Hello there, Thank you for taking the time to share your experience with us. Your feedback is invaluable in helping us identify improvement opportunities, so we can do our best to deliver a solid and reliable service. If you have any further thoughts you'd like to share with us, don't hesitate to do so via [email protected]. After all, without our customers' feedback, we wouldn't be able to improve. Best regards, Team Hostinger

Hostinger , USA
April 05, 2024
Under performing. All talks but no work

There website boasts shitload of features and whatnot but our simple wordpress/elementor sites failed to load or unable to edit. constantly giving 503 errors. can't even upload a plugin or simply move a post to trash. completely unreliable and under performing. If you've WordPress sites that you're looking forward to host please don't bother.

Saman, Sri Lanka
November 17, 2023

Hello, Saman, The concerned teams received your review to investigate the situation, but don't hesitate to share any improvement suggestions vis [email protected]. We'll love to learn how to upscale this partnership! Best, Team Hostinger

Team Hostinger , USA
February 02, 2024

Hostinger is a good company. Prices are affordable for a small website, but they skyrocket when the site starts consuming resources (when you have many visitors to the website). I have been hosting my site on their server since 2017. I had 2 major issues with them, each issue after they upgraded the servers. Last time I gave up hosting the site with them.

anonymus, Romania
November 15, 2023

Hello, Thanks for the feedback! We're constantly working towards offering a hassle-free service to our customers, thus, your insights are always welcomed. Best, Team Hostinger

anonymus , USA
February 02, 2024

Hello, Thanks for the feedback! We're constantly working towards offering a hassle-free service to our customers, thus, your insights are always welcomed. Best, Team Hostinger

Team Hostinger , USA
February 02, 2024

I paid for a domain registration and after the payment was made the domain wasn't registered and had "Reviewing" status. There wasn't any information about any kind of reviewing before I paid. I wrote to the support and told to make a refund as I didn't want to wait for the completion of a review. Support told me they can make a refund only to my account balance because I paid via crypto. And I don't want it on my balance. It's my money and I want it where it came from - on my crypto wallet. So if you pay with crypto they just steal your money, they won't return it to your wallet if they refuse to provide you their services for some reason. Also they don't inform customers about domain names reviewing before customers make payments

Anais Letourneau, USA
September 24, 2023

Hello, Anais, While it's heartbreaking to hear about your dissatisfaction, we thank you for sharing your voice. We aim to ensure everything's clear! As a domain reseller, Hostinger must abide by the Registrar's (the organization that manages domains) rules, including our responsibility to monitor how our services are used. To learn more about this process, you can check our Domain Registrant Agreement (hostinger.com/domain-registrant-agreement). Due to their volatile and transitory nature, refunds from payments made with cryptocurrency are only available to your Hoatinger Balance, as stated in our Refund Policy (hostinger.com/refund-policy). You also have the option of registering another .xyz domain with this value, so let our Customer Success Team know what's the best option for you, and we'll be happy to proceed with it. All the best, Team Hostinger

Team Hostinger , USA
October 06, 2023

Thanks for the heads up. This is very helpful and I really appreciate it.

anonymus , Nigeria
April 15, 2024

I thought hosting plans were affordable but after checking the price of their cloud hosting plan for 1 month which is 50$ I will rather buy from Hostgator, where I am getting the plan for 14$. They are charging way overpriced if u buy for 1 month not recommended if u plan to buy for 1 month

Abhi, India
December 06, 2022
Completly unreliable

I paid for a domain for the whole year. One week after the payment, they informed me that they haven't received the payment and suspend the domain. When I emailed them, they said that they will try to solve the problem, but they never did it. Hostinger is simply a scam.

Arek, Poland
November 30, 2022
Family sharingMulti User SharingExpert SupportBackupSmart syncPersonal SolutionBusiness SolutionTeams optionsOffline foldersFile history and recovery Read more reviews
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