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MAGIC ONLINE Review 2025 – Can You Really Trust It?

Hendrik Human Written by: Hendrik Human

Magic Online is a French hosting service that provides a range of options for almost any type of hosting. They also offer premium dedicated and virtual server options that are highly configurable and scalable for business clients.

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🏆Performance GradeB+
⏱️Uptime GuaranteeNo
🔒Free SSLYes
🔧Hosting TypesShared, Dedicated Server, Cloud
💡Basic Plan Features
  • Storage: 50 GB
  • Bandwidth: Unlimited
  • Websites: 1
💲Starting Price$3.39
Shared Reseller Dedicated Cloud WordPress

Magic Online has an exceptionally long track record of providing premium server and web hosting solutions that stretches back over 25 years from Paris, France. They currently host over 10,000 servers, have over 20,000 businesses as clients, and have a total of 60,000 customers. Their high-end data servers are located in two facilities in the Greater Paris area as well as in another facility in Lyon. They are a French hosting company serving a mainly French customer base.


Features and Ease of Use

Magic Online has an array of plans that will suit a variety of customers, whether an individual looking to launch a simple website or a large corporation looking for a high-powered dedicated server solution. They also have a website builder, SEO coaching tools, and even a unified workstation cloud backup service to make things ultra-convenient for any company.

Magic Online provides an exceptionally complete hosting offering with all the basics you need for web hosting even on high-end servers:

  • Unlimited SSL certificates
  • One-click app installer with 150+ available scripts
  • Free domain registration with huge range of extensions available
  • One-click backup and restoration service

They also provide a number of unique and outstanding features that befit their status as a premium hosting provider:

  • Instant and Automated Provisioning: You can provision a new dedicated, VPS, or cloud server automatically within minutes without needing to wait for consultation or approval.
  • Professional Services: Magic Online provides a whole list of professional services that range from WordPress hosting and management to solution architecture to advanced troubleshooting so customers can get more out of their solution.
  • Web Hosting Variety: You can choose from a number of web hosting types, such as standard shared hosting, e-commerce website hosting, or website builder hosting with add-on SEO tools.

Here’s where Magic Online has really taken extra care to provide the highest-quality services for their clients: all of your websites will be hosted in Tier IV data centers with fully-redundant and high-availability infrastructure. During the checkout process, you can also further customize any package you choose by adding private MySQL cores for added performance. Those on VPS or more private hosting options won’t really see much difference, but clients on shared servers will appreciate this feature.

Strangely enough, Magic Online doesn’t seem to readily advertise an uptime guarantee or any sort of SLA on their website. However, given their Tier IV data center status (essentially the most advanced type of data center available), I wasn’t too concerned about this oversight.

Unfortunately, the Magic Online website and signup process can be quite complex with almost too many options, configurations, and upgrades that can make it difficult to wrap your head around things. However, they do make use of great software platforms that make it easy to manage your hosting product as well as a website, if you choose to host one. If there is anything you don’t know how to do, you could probably arrange for it to be delivered via professional IT services.

Pricing and Support

The pricing schemes can get a bit complex at Magic Online. Not only do they offer a wide range of hosting types that each contain multiple plans, but there are also a huge number of customization and upgradable options for most. Their prices are definitely competitive in the European market, but it can be hard to keep track of what gets billed in which timeframe and how much you will end up paying. Therefore, you should carefully review the terms for each type of hosting before you sign up.

There aren’t any free versions or trials, but they do have a 30-day satisfaction guarantee, during which you’ll be refunded the full amount if you’re not totally convinced that they’re a good fit for you.

As their main focus is on premium server solutions for large enterprises, it’s no surprise that Magic Online offers 24/7 support with all their plans via live chat, a French telephone support line, tickets, and email. To access most of the technical support channels, you need to log in to the client area. They offer a wide range of professional IT services, including server management and security. Their support is available 24/7, except for new customers inquiring about purchasing a commercial hosting plan, who will receive a response during regular working hours. However, due to Magic Online’s large customer base, users may experience long waiting times. On the positive side, they do offer comprehensive help documentation.


How does MAGIC ONLINE match up to the competition?

1HostingerCompareOur Score4.9Compare
1IONOSCompareOur Score4.9Compare
1MAGIC ONLINECompareOur Score4.3Compare
1Go4HostingCompareOur Score2.4Compare


Anyone can find a hosting solution that fits them at Magic Online, whether it be basic shared hosting or top-of-the-line virtualized dedicated servers, as long as you’re willing to spend a bit of time looking for it. Business clients with highly specific needs will also appreciate their custom configuration options.


  • Three European data center facilities
  • A variety of professional hosting services
  • Redundant, high-availability Tier IV data centers
  • 24/7 support


  • Very confusing pricing
  • A minimum of a one-year contract
Hendrik Human Hendrik Human
Hi, I’m Hendrik, your web guru. The only two things you need to know about me are: I love making websites, and I love to write about how to do it. That’s why I’m here – to help make it fun and easy for you too.
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Service à éviter

Attention ! Si vous avez un service auprès de l'hébergeur Magic Online. Ils ont créé un service sans mon accord, puis on fait un prélévement de 576 euros toujours sans m'informer et sans mon accord. M'étant manifesté, par un ticket, puis plusieurs appels téléphoniques, puis par mon service juridique, ils ont fait un avoir sur mon compte Magic Online au lieu d'un remboursement demandé sur mon compte bancaire. Seule solution, faire opposition, refaire une carte bancaire... Bref, une belle arnaque qui parait tout à fait légal selon la gendarmerie, si on considère qu'un remboursement peut être un avoir...

1 avatar
yannick, USA
December 16, 2022

et aucun service technique, le mail ne marchent jamais, les coupure tout les 2 mois du site etc .....lamentable !!!!! vraiment lamentable !!!! Personne ne repond au telephone, les tickets ne sont pas lu. bref....ne surtout PAS ALLER CHEZ EUX.

Bruyas, France
October 29, 2020
Attention aux clauses acceptées par défaut !!

Magic-online a encaissé directement sur mon compte bancaire le montant de l'abonnement sans mon accord en se servant d'une clause "acceptée par défaut". Il refuse de me rembourser alors que j'ai résilié le contrat par lettre recommandé avec AR 1 mois avant l'échéance. Incompétence ou tentative d'escroquerie ? Depuis le service comptabilité me balade !!

1 avatar
Les Saltimbanques, France
June 27, 2020
Magic Online le pire service au monde

Vous souhaitez confier votre hébergement technique à des comptables ? Vous avez frappé à la bonne porte, vous n’aurez aucun service, impossible de transférer vos domaines, interface de facturation illisible pour être facturé plus sans raison, des capacités de serveur en dessous des besoins nécessaire et des spécifications vendus. Vous pourrez ainsi passer votre temps à échanger avec un support qui lit de scripts. Petite anecdote, leur propre site (phpnet) est tombé pendant 24h sans même un message de leur part. J'essaye de quitter ce service depuis des semaines, sans succès malheureusement. L'enfer de l'hébergement Dommage phpnet c'était bien avant le rachat par Magic Online, (y'a pas de magie et c'est pas online)

1 avatar
Jean Philippe, France
March 28, 2020
Mail box qui sature

En étant pas un pro du numerque' je deviens louf car la boîte ne peux recevoir k un ou 2 messages par jpir' je perds trop de contact. Pourquoi la boîte mail n'est pas illimité ?? À part ça c OK, l'assistance ne m'a pa réglé vraent ce problème. Professionnellement c tuant

1 avatar
anonymus, France
March 16, 2020
Family sharingMulti User SharingExpert SupportBackupSmart syncPersonal SolutionBusiness SolutionTeams optionsOffline foldersFile history and recovery
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