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FirstByte Review 2025 – Don’t Be Fooled!

Solomon Ndung'u Written by: Solomon Ndung'u

FirstByte is a web hosting provider based in Russia. With two large data centers located in Moscow, this hosting provider is able to provide advanced hosting solutions to medium-sized businesses as well as large corporations in Russia and beyond.

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FirstByte is a Russian-based web hosting company that provides virtual servers, dedicated hosting, domain registration, and DNS hosting. The vendor also has a noteworthy presence in the Netherlands, Vietnam, Ukraine, and China. The FirstByte website is only available in Russian.

Features and Ease of Use

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FirstByte offers VPS hosting, domain registration, and dedicated server solutions. The standard features included in its hosting packages are:

  • Free DDoS protection
  • Unlimited traffic at 100Mbps
  • Free DNS hosting
  • Free IPMI + KVM
  • Free installation
  • SSL certificates
  • Cloud storage with more than 500,000 IOPS

FirstByte hosting solutions are powered by a fully redundant Cisco backbone network. Unfortunately, FirstByte virtual servers are known to fail quite often and sometimes develop overloading related errors even when using KVM virtualization resources. This often results in many hours of client website unavailability.

FirstByte data centers are highly monitored by their security team and have a 24/7 CCTV surveillance system of up to 350 cameras recording all activities in these locations. The hosting provider also offers DNS hosting as an additional package, though it does not work quite as advertised. Customers report inexplicably losing access to the DNS control panel and their domains being removed from the system. The manual process of adding them is tedious and can result in the loss of website data.

Pricing and Support

FirstByte offers hosting plans in Russia that are priced competitively compared to other hosting vendors. They provide budget-friendly plans with quality hosting features. The pricing of their hosting plans is in Russian rubles, and you have the flexibility to choose payment periods of one, three, six, and twelve months.

FirstByte offers a 99% uptime network guarantee for their virtual servers, falling short of many customers’ expectations of an uptime of at least 99.99%. That said, in case of downtime, they do have a compensation plan in place.

FirstByte has a refund policy of 30 days, but for users who want to test their services, the vendor encourages them to use the hosting plans that allow for daily payments. It’s also important to note that customers have reported the vendor resetting their VPS servers because of delay in payment of as short a time as 48 hours, resulting in the loss of all website data.

Clients can contact the FirstByte technical support team via their telephone number, email address, and ticketing system, but there is no live chat option. Nevertheless, the FirstByte technical support team is available 24/7. Although they have set a maximum response time of 24 hours, their technical team responds to most support requests in less than one hour.

And, while FirstByte’s technical support team is relatively fast in responding to queries from customers, their attitude is unbecoming and sometimes, they are impolite. What’s more, this technical support team does not seem to have very advanced knowledge of hosting and how to address emerging issues from customers, making some of their responses unhelpful. For many customers, they’d do better finding answers on their own using the vendor’s fairly detailed knowledge base that includes an FAQ section and tutorials.


How does FirstByte match up to the competition?

1HostingerCompareOur Score4.9Compare
1IONOSCompareOur Score4.9Compare
1FirstByteCompareOur Score4.2Compare
1Go4HostingCompareOur Score2.4Compare


FirstByte hosting solutions are specially designed for medium-sized businesses and large corporations with complex websites and databases. Given the unprofessionalism of this vendor’s support team as well as their apparent lack of the necessary hosting support skills, organizations that don’t have their own in-house hosting expertise and are interested in FirstByte’s hosting services should proceed with caution when trying out this company’s offerings.


  • Powered by a fully redundant Cisco backbone network
  • Highly secured data centers with 24/7 CCTV surveillance
  • Inexpensive VPS and Dedicated Server solutions
  • 30-day money-back guarantee


  • Incessant VPS servers overloading errors
  • Impolite and incompetent support team
Solomon Ndung'u Solomon Ndung'u
Solomon Ndung’u is a writer, author, and SEO specialist. When he’s not working, you will find him singing his favorite tunes. He is also a confessed avid reader of The New York Times.
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Считаю, что это лучшая хостинговая компания.

Считаю, что это лучшая хостинговая компания, с которой я работал за все время, а знаком я со сферой создания сайтов уже 10 лет, есть с чем сравнивать, много разных хостингов пришлось перепробовать. Я решил остаться у Firstbyte. В первую очередь, из-за стабильной работы моих сайтов и понятного функционала личного кабинета и панели управления.

1 avatar
Tomachkin, Russia
January 25, 2025
Полностью удовлетворяет моим запросам!

Отличный хостинг! Полностью удовлетворяет моим запросам! Имею 6 сайтов на этом хостинге и очень доволен, как работой сайтов, так и ценами за услуги. Сейчас в стадии запуска находится другой сайт. Защита здесь, кстати, очень эффективная.

1 avatar
Роман, Russia
January 23, 2025
Стабильная работа хостинга под нагрузкой:

Стабильная работа хостинга под нагрузкой: Прекрасно работает при высоких нагрузках. Даже в моменты, когда сайт посещают тысячи людей, FirstByte обеспечивает стабильную работу сайта. Быстрая обработка запросов благодаря высокоскоростным дискам SSD/NVMe на KVM VDS гарантирует надежность.

1 avatar
Аркадий, Russia
January 22, 2025
Сайт работает мгновенно.

Для моего личного блога хостинг FirstByte — идеальный выбор.SSD/NMVE-диски на виртуальном сервере KVM обеспечивают отличную скорость, а сам сервис стабилен и надежен. Даже с большими постами и изображениями сайт работает мгновенно.

1 avatar
Николай Севостьянов, Russia
January 20, 2025
Стабильная работа и адекватные цены.

Использую Firstbyte для создания своего VPN, и это было отличное решение! Удобный интерфейс, стабильная работа и адекватные цены делают этот хостинг одним из лучших на рынке. Рекомендую всем, кто ценит качество и надежность!

1 avatar
Тимофей, Russia
December 29, 2024
VPN-сервер работает стабильно.

У меня арендован VPN-сервер, этот продукт оправдал мои ожидания. VPN-сервер работает стабильно. Скорость соединения всегда высокая, что позволяет мне безопасно и комфортно серфить в интернете.

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Семен, Russia
December 25, 2024
Очень хостингом доволен

FirstByte действительно оправдывает все ожидания. SSD/NMVE-диски на KVM VDS делают сайт гораздо быстрее, чем раньше. Все страницы загружаются моментально. Очень хостингом доволен

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Павел Макаров
December 21, 2024
Стабильная работа.

FirstByte — это отличный хостинг! Я оценила стабильность работы и оперативную поддержку. С их помощью мне удалось решить все вопросы, которые возникали. Рекомендую всем, кто ищет надежного провайдера.

1 avatar
December 19, 2024
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