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SimpliQ Review 2025 – Is it a Wise Investment?

Hendrik Human Written by: Hendrik Human

SimpliQ is a solid provider of hosting services in Romania with access to data centers abroad in Amsterdam and Dallas. They offer a simple yet compelling range of website hosting, VPS, and dedicated server solutions at reasonable prices.

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SimpliQ is a Romanian hosting provider that has been in operation since 2007 with their own data center based in Cluj-Napoca, Romania. Since then, they have formed global partnerships to now also provide hosting in Amsterdam, Netherlands and Dallas, U.S. Their aim is to provide the highest possible standard of hosting at prices that most find affordable. They provide straightforward collections of website, VPS, and dedicated server hosting.

Features and Ease of Use

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Although there is certainly nothing groundbreaking about SimpliQ’s offerings, they do provide all of the essentials as well as solid hosting products:

  • 99.9% uptime guarantee with all plans
  • Domain registration with free domains for annual plans
  • Automatic daily backup to external servers
  • Plans with unlimited domains
  • Purchasable SSL certificates
  • High storage limits with unlimited storage options for web hosting
  • High monthly traffic limits with some unlimited options for web hosting

Although their website hosting is very straightforward, it is based on some good cloud technology. Servers have the CloudLinux OS with the cPanel control panel and come with LiteSpeed optimization. They also run on Oracle’s Ksplice server architecture. Server locations are protected from both physical threats and DDoS attacks.

With their VPS plans, you’ll have to add on your cPanel/WHM license at extra cost, but you can choose from multiple server locations in Cluj-Napoca, Amsterdam, and Dallas. You can also choose between a Linux or Windows machine and be connected to gigabit speed ports.

Dedicated servers run on Intel Core i3/i5/i7 processors with up to eight cores, 12GB RAM, and 4000GB storage. You also get five IP addresses and can purchase more. You can upgrade your memory (maximum 16GB), storage, and backup storage as well as choose between Linux or Windows. Both dedicated servers and VPS products also feature redundant DNS across multiple global locations.

Pricing and Support

SimpliQ stays true to their name with a straightforward range of website hosting, VPS, and dedicated server products with three packages each. Incredibly, their Start plan comes free for the first six months, after which you’ll pay for the next year.

For the other plans, you can choose between monthly, semi-annual, annual, and biennial billing with longer periods discounted. You also get a free domain with an annual or longer billing period, but just for half a year.

You can choose from monthly, quarterly, semi-annual, or annual billing for VPS plans, and the rates become more discounted with longer billing periods. The same applies to dedicated servers, although there is no yearly option available. However, neither VPS plans nor dedicated servers include a free domain with annual billing.

While most features you need are included such as basic server management, a control panel, operating system, and support, you’ll need to purchase an SSL certificate separately. You can also customize your dedicated server with storage, RAM, and extra backup space. Other than dedicated server and collocation products, everything is backed by their 30-day money-back guarantee. However, it’s not exactly no-questions-asked.

SimpliQ also offers 24/7 technical support with all of their hosting products via email, ticket, and phone. Since available support with quick responses is one of the criteria for their money-back guarantee, they take it seriously and you never have to wait too long for a response or for your call to be answered. They also provide a knowledge base but it’s nowhere near complete with just the essentials covered.

How much does SimpliQ cost?

SimpliQ offers plans from $1 to $9. The price depends on which type of hosting plan you choose. You can see the updated pricing table (updated weekly) below.

Which SimpliQ plan should I get?

My recommendation is to start with a cheaper plan. You can always upgrade later on. SimpliQ can help you with the migration to a more expensive plan. The increase in visitors many times takes longer than expected and you shouldn’t pay a lot of money until the need arises. Of course, your needs may vary, and you can consult with a hosting expert from SimpliQ.

How good is SimpliQ’s customer support?

SimpliQ is not ranked as one of our top web hosts. But that can also be a result of SimpliQ being a small, under the radar, hosting provider. There are advantages to a small hosting company – as a customer, you are more important to them. You can also check out our comparison of the most popular web hosting services here.


How does SimpliQ match up to the competition?

1HostingerCompareOur Score4.9Compare
1IONOSCompareOur Score4.9Compare
1SimpliQCompareOur Score4.3Compare
1Go4HostingCompareOur Score2.4Compare


SimpliQ offers a quick and easy way to find a hosting solution. While they may not provide any enterprise-grade features or products, they offer a solid range of hosting products that get the basics right.


  • Multiple data centers globally
  • Simple and straightforward packages
  • Six months of free web hosting
  • Plenty of unlimited storage and traffic options


  • Not a lot of features
  • More expensive web hosting
Hendrik Human Hendrik Human
Hi, I’m Hendrik, your web guru. The only two things you need to know about me are: I love making websites, and I love to write about how to do it. That’s why I’m here – to help make it fun and easy for you too.
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Cel mai prost suport. Nu raspund nici dupa cateva zile. Nu te ajuta cu nimic. O risipa de bani. Chiar nu merita nici o stea acest Simpliq! Cel mai prost suport. Nu raspund nici dupa cateva zile. Nu te ajuta cu nimic. O risipa de bani. Chiar nu merita nici o stea acest Simpliq!

1 avatar
Andrei, USA
February 25, 2021

Buna Dupa aproape 12 spalari pe cap ci , SIMPLIQ SILVAR, rezultatul a fost invizibil, nu este parerea mea ci a celor din jur, care au fost foarte curiosi, m-am intanlit cu o prietena dupa aproape 45 de zile si mi-a zis ca nu vede nici o diferenta, poate ca-mi sclipeste parul putin mai mult, NU-L recomand.

1 avatar
anonymus, Romania
November 22, 2019

Nu se vede nici o diferenta dupa 2 luni de folosire. Nici eu nu recomand. Aruncam cu banii in buzunarele unor persoane istete ce stiu sa ne pacaleasca cu ambalaje cu sclipici.

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Nicu , Romania
December 13, 2019

Daca ar exista un asemenea produs fiti siguri ca primii ar fi beneficiat oamenii cu multi bani si n.ar fi ajuns la oamenii de rand la un pret derizoriu. Si, bineinteles nu ati fi mai vazut oameni carunti si albiti de trecerea varstei. Se dovedeste ca dupa atata timp in care oamenii au tot fost pacaliti prin diferite metode cu tratamente "minune", inca se mai incearca imbogatirea unor sarlatani care profita de naivitatea oamenilor Atentie pe ce va cheltuiti banii!

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anonymus , Romania
December 25, 2019
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