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  5. Why 500k Marketers Use Midiacode QR Code Platform: Q/A with Robson Lisboa
Why 500k Marketers Use Midiacode QR Code Platform: Q/A with Robson Lisboa

Why 500k Marketers Use Midiacode QR Code Platform: Q/A with Robson Lisboa

Bethenny Carl
Website Planet had the chance to sit down and chat with Robson Lisboa from Midiacode, a leading QR code platform with over 500,000 users and 3,500 publishers worldwide.

We learned how Midiacode enables you to share multiple links and content through advanced QR Codes and their unique suite of solutions for mobile marketing and content delivery.

Lisboa also shared some interesting insights into their customer-centric approach and commitment to continuous innovation.

Let’s introduce Midiacode to our audience. What is it and how does it work?

Unleashing Engagement: How Mobile Solutions Empower Brands

In today’s mobile-first world, brands need innovative ways to connect with consumers and deliver rich content. Midiacode rises to this challenge by offering a comprehensive suite of mobile marketing and content solutions, with a focus on Super Apps platforms.

Beyond Super Apps, we provide a range of cutting-edge solutions:
  • Next-generation QR Codes: Enhance traditional QR codes with advanced features and seamless integration.
  • Online Content Development and Hosting: Create engaging mobile-optimized web experiences.
  • Link Shorteners and Landing Pages: Streamline user engagement and track results effectively.
  • Virtual Business Cards: Share contact information effortlessly and leave a lasting impression.
  • Anti-counterfeit Solutions: Protect your brand and ensure product authenticity.
  • Our Super Apps platform empowers businesses to deliver content, build communities, and drive engagement across diverse audiences. This versatile platform caters to all markets seeking to leverage mobile technology for content delivery and marketing.
Midiacode takes transmedia content a step further with our Midiacode solution. This cloud-based platform simplifies content creation and publishing, utilizing third-generation QR Codes and white-label Super Apps.

White-label Super Apps offer an optional yet powerful extension, enabling users to capture and store content in a dedicated repository. This deepens the QR Code experience, fostering stronger brand relationships and valuable consumer insights.

For the Consumer Packaged Goods (CPG) market, we propose integrating functional QR Codes directly onto product packaging. This empowers consumers to gain deeper product understanding, influencing informed purchase decisions. Brands can leverage our platform to expand their packaging’s potential, delivering a wealth of organized content directly to consumers.

Midiacode streamlines content creation through our user-friendly backend, allowing internal teams and external agencies to effortlessly compose and publish content for various product categories. These strategically placed QR Codes act as sensors and connectors, capturing valuable data on consumer interaction, interest, location, sharing, and other crucial metrics.

By harnessing the power of mobile solutions, Midiacode empowers brands to build deeper connections, deliver richer experiences, and gain valuable insights, ultimately driving engagement and success.

What types of measurable benefits can companies expect to see after implementing your solutions?

Maintaining an Open Dialogue: Effective communication is paramount in today’s dynamic landscape. Midiacode prioritizes consistent and up-to-date communication with the public, ensuring everyone stays informed and engaged with the brands.

Data-Driven Decisions: We go beyond simply communicating; we analyze all interactions users do with the content. This rich data empowers our customers to refine strategies, ensuring they consistently hit the right notes and achieve their clients’ objectives.

Staying Ahead of the Curve: At Midiacode, we clearly understand the ever-evolving nature of mobile technology and society. That’s why we prioritize continuously updating our Super Apps with the latest and greatest advancements available. This commitment ensures our clients always have access to the most powerful and effective tools at their fingertips.

Meeting Every Need: Our Super Apps go beyond the limitations of traditional apps. By seamlessly integrating with various other systems, we offer a comprehensive solution that caters to 100% of customer needs. This is what truly defines a Super App – its ability to provide a unified and powerful platform that eliminates the need for juggling multiple disconnected tools.

What are your product’s unique selling points compared to your competitors?

In the ever-crowded mobile landscape, Midiacode stands out through our commitment to innovation and a comprehensive approach. Here’s what sets us apart:

An unique super apps architecture: The way we implemented the super apps makes ours an exclusive no-code platform to fastly create a customizable super application in less than one month and at a price positioning that the competition cannot even understand. The same architecture delivers flexibility and easy-to-operate features to our customers that play with their content and interaction offers on their super apps, being able to run changes and adjusts in real time, every day if they want or need.

Pioneering Third-Generation QR Codes: We’re the only ones offering third-generation QR Codes, with fourth-generation technology already in final development. This translates to richer functionality and a more engaging user experience compared to competitors who primarily rely on first and second-generation options. Our QR Codes work perfectly with our super apps, but they also work with no need for apps. The client decides which content will demand the use of the super app and which can be accessed directly by scanning the code with device’s camera.

Beyond the Basics: While we offer first and second-generation QR Codes as well, our solutions go beyond the limitations of these basic options. We provide advanced features such as dynamic content updates, detailed analytics, and brand customization, empowering businesses to leverage the full potential of Super apps and QR code technologies.

QR code Generations Breakdown:
  • First Generation: The traditional static QR Codes that simply link to a URL, offering limited functionality. Not permitted to be used by industrial applications due to the risk of such poor technology.
  • Second Generation: Dynamic QR Codes allow brands to update the destination URL without altering the code itself, providing basic analytics and customization options.
  • Third Generation, the Midiacode Advantage: By going beyond the limitations of these earlier generations, Midiacode empowers businesses to create engaging and interactive experiences for their customers. Our future-proof technology ensures our clients stay ahead of the curve in the ever-evolving mobile landscape. In the third generation, where we are the only and exclusive suppliers, the QR Code delivers content in PDF (mobile friendly) or HTML and many more links (to website, video, social networks, contact information, e-commerce, among others). All that content can be delivered with just one single QR Code. Furthermore, you can make it behave like a second generation QR Code, simply pointing directly to a URL and, whenever you want, make that same QR Code deliver content and multiple links. In publishing, the company will not have to create a new website page every time it wants to deliver content. In 3 minutes the content will be created and published. It’s easy to create and centrally manage all codes.
  • And we are creating the fourth generation of QR Codes that deliver content at other levels of context. Not only in the context of the product, but also of the person it captures, the place and the profile.

Our core values: Innovation, entrepreneurship, ease of use and respect.

What is the long-term vision and how do you measure success?

Our vision is… The world is increasingly connected via smartphone. Throughout their journeys, people want the knowledge and culture they find in things, places and other people.

Our vision of using the power of mobile in the lives of mobilers (people who carry a smartphone in their hand) was created in decades of projects in large global companies, such as Sony, Nokia and Samsung.

The same vision points to the future, as people will use wearable technology to integrate their lives to the knowledge and content delivered through digital streams. We are the company that will make this delivery in an organized and anchored way, not permitting end-users to get lost and to feel overwhelmed by the mass of content they need to cope with, everyday of their lives. We make this process easier, always available and manageable.

Everyone wants to know more about anything, to make better decisions for themselves and their ecosystem. Mobile, transmedia and super apps are the perfect combination to meet this basic need for all of us, today and in the future.

How did it all start and what are your achievements to date?

From Paper Overload to Pioneering Solutions: Midiacode’s story began in 2014, sparked by a simple yet profound problem: the burden of information overload in a pre-smartphone era. One of the company’s founders, attending a major industry event, found himself drowning in paper handouts. Frustrated by the need to carry and manage this physical clutter, he envisioned a smarter way to capture and access information.

This spark of inspiration led to the birth of Midiacode. At that time, we wanted to revolutionize how we interact with physical information. We aimed to develop a system that could seamlessly capture and organize data from any printed source, be it paper, packaging, or even urban signage.

Over the years, we’ve evolved from this initial concept to become a leading provider of mobile marketing and content solutions. Today, thousands of users worldwide leverage our platform to create engaging and interactive experiences for their audiences.

Finding product-market fit

From Corporate Innovators to Entrepreneurial Leaders: The journey behind Midiacode is woven from the entrepreneurial spirit that always fueled its founders, even during their time at international giants like Sony, Nokia, Samsung, and Santillana. Their passion lay in creating impactful projects that delivered tangible benefits to stakeholders. This drive manifested in numerous successful initiatives, from knowledge management and mobile learning to smart lab projects.

However, a deeper yearning for driving transformative change propelled them towards entrepreneurship. They envisioned empowering individuals and businesses to reach new heights, achieving remarkable differentiation from their peers.

Midiacode’s birth stemmed from a specific pain point: the lack of engaging and interactive content at events, a challenge prevalent across various societal spheres. The founders aspired to transform experiences by allowing individuals to seamlessly capture knowledge and build connections using just their smartphones, eliminating the need for cumbersome paper materials and fleeting business cards.

This vision became reality with the creation of Midiacode. By harnessing the power of mobile technology, we empower individuals and organizations to connect, engage, and thrive in today’s dynamic world.

The company thrived to find the best set of tools, using a deeper process of conversation with real clients, with real needs. During years of development, the leaders were guided by the same coin, with two sides: deliver the best tool that really solves customers’ pains and to really understand customers’ needs.

Today, almost 100 features are in perfect alignment with customer needs and we also manage a powerful roadmap that enforces the continuous leadership of our company in the field of mobile solutions.

Based on our experience, we looked for potential customers to start in the market, and talked to experts to check the consistency of our innovation sparks. We made several pivot points in order to fit the exact needs of real customers and markets but also to deliver our vision of the future.

The main challenge we faced was to cope with the wide market coverage of our solutions. We work with content and content is everywhere, in every single company, impacting their results. How not to offer such a solution to any customer that we reach? So, we have sold Midiacode to pharmaceutical companies, to cemetery, to mobile operators carriers, to government, to consumer packaged goods, to language schools, to universities, to manufacturing companies, and many others. This is good, as we can reach many companies from many markets, but it is really challenging to sell to such different buyers.

The problem gets bigger when we find ourselves as a Customer-Centric Innovation company, believing in putting customers at the heart of everything we do. This philosophy drives our commitment to continuous innovation.

We follow a structured approach to identify and develop the most effective and efficient technologies that meet our customers’ evolving needs:
  • Deep understanding: We conduct thorough research and analysis to grasp current and future customer requirements.
  • Collaborative ideation: We bring together teams with diverse expertise, including customer-centric individuals, sales representatives, and user interface specialists. This collaborative environment fosters brainstorming and discussion around potential solutions.
  • Rigorous development: Once promising ideas are identified, our technology team diligently works to develop and refine them, ensuring they meet the highest standards of functionality and usability.
  • Timely delivery: We understand the importance of meeting deadlines and delivering solutions within the agreed timeframe.

Overcoming challenges

One of the biggest challenges we face is ensuring that everyone involved in the process possesses a clear understanding of customer needs. We actively address this by fostering open communication and collaboration across all teams. This ensures that everyone remains focused on delivering solutions that truly benefit our customers.

Fast forward to today, we have more than 500.000 users and 3.500 publishers, from many different countries, such as Portugal, Mexico, Brazil, Bosnia, Finland, Swiss, USA, Spain, France, among others.

Who are your typical customers and what problems do they have when they come to you?

Being a B2B company, our customers are from small companies, like SME, to big enterprises, with offices in many countries.

Our clients are companies from various segments: retail, events, pharmaceuticals, training, restaurants, graphics, packaging, etc. They come to us wanting to improve engagement with their customers, they aim to have QR codes with analytics and super apps that integrate with the platforms they already have.

In general, they select us due to the wider range of innovations we can implement on their campaigns, from a simple QR Code, to short links, to super apps, to augmented reality, to whatever the market needs. No other competitive company can beat our open innovation capabilities.

What pain points do you help them resolve? What happens if they ignore these problems?

We expand packaging limitations of Consumer Packaging Goods. If they don’t put QR codes on their packaging, the very limited space will lack a set of information that consumers need to finally decide to buy a product.

We integrate all information and systems that a mid-size or large company has to deliver to their employees, through a customized super app. The companies that are ignoring the super apps capabilities to deliver complete cyberspace to their employees are facing a huge challenge of communicating and preparing their workforce to better deliver their best peformance.

They spent money on many different and not connected platforms that were also hard and expensive to update. Furthermore, they did not have the autonomy to solve problems, they were always dependent on the companies that developed the platforms for them. As for the use of QR codes, they lost their validity and were left with printed codes that didn’t work.

Many of our clients actually come after trying one of these alternative solutions:
  • QR Code generator
  • QR Tiger
  • Genexus
  • Software houses
They then realize we are much easier to hire, faster and cheaper than the competitors. Also on assessing our super app architecture, it is impossible to select another player, due to the complexity of this kind of solution and consequent higher prices.

Competitors that have used 1st generation QR code and companies that developed common apps cannot solve their problems of flexibility and scalability.

When our clients opt for something new it usually happens because the new solution is cheaper, better or more flexible. We are all three together. When clients understand our always present and fast service, our delivery, our constantly evolving platform and functioning, their worries diminish and they get confident to hire us.

People are living the SMART lifestyle where they access information about things wherever and whenever they want and we deliver the solution for that. In the same way, our solution is constantly evolving and updating.

There is a lot of information online, on the Internet, but there is little connection between physical things, the ones we see in our daily lives, and related information in the digital world. Midiacode connects these two points!

By being an easy-to-use platform, Midiacode also helps customers to be more SMART. All intelligence makes things simpler and easier!

When we deliver relevant content between companies and their customers, Midiacode connects them in a totally innovative and engaging way. Midiacode puts the company’s content on the customer’s smartphone, the most important place for people to consume content today.

We are always close to our customers to help them with whatever is necessary, creating a connection and partnership, not just delivering products and intelligence.

These features make Midiacode stand out from other QR code platforms:
  • Super apps unique architecture
  • Super apps platform that easies the creation of truly super apps solutions
  • Constantly evolving technology
  • Technology attentive to the needs of customers and the world (changes in society)
  • Technology that delivers what it promises
  • Safe technology
  • QR codes that doesn’t expire
  • Technology that integrates systems in one single place, the always present media, the mobile.
  • Technology that connects
  • Technology that impacts
  • Technology that saves money and time
  • Sustainable technology

Can you share some success stories where your product made a significant difference to a company dealing with these challenges?

One of the several examples we have is an events company that spent a lot on printing catalogs, which are discarded by participants shortly after the event, or even after receiving it. At first they were afraid that participants would not join the zero paper event, because they had been receiving everything printed for years. In addition to saving money, the company was surprised by the participants’ reception of adopting a technology that delivered all event content to the people’s hands, and still remained connected with them even after the event, delivering relevant information.

The super apps, the publishing online platform and the transmedias, as QR Codes and geo publications are always the most beneficial part of our service, together with the customer care provided by our team. We also have good and fair prices, the needs met and overcome and the history of partnership that is built.

The outcome they get from Midiacode:
  • Saving time and money.
  • Impressing their customers
  • Showing innovative solutions to the journey of their customers
  • Impacting operation with many automations that our solutions deliver.
However, in addition to saving time and money, they have the knowledge and autonomy to build an always-on connection with their customers. In addition to having analytics that help them strategically.

In general, the most common feedback we have received from users who switched to us product after trying a competitor is that we are easier, cheaper, more reliable and better.

We deliver what we promise, we are committed, we have a fair price, we are always attentive to technological advances and keep up with it.

If you had unlimited funds, what improvements would you make?

I would hire a larger team to accelerate our roadmap, as needs and creativity never stop, they are always constantly evolving. We have many new items on using Artificial Intelligence in our solutions and we need to accelerate those projects.

Also we have other scalable business models to start working, as niche platforms and education.

Back from dreaming, our new AI implementations, the super app technology and the new studio for publication have just been released!

👉 To learn more visit https://midiacode.com/
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