David Harrington is a professional writer and content strategist for software and technology brands. He covers a variety of topics including fintech, productivity apps, cyrptocurrency, and startups. David enjoys learning new recipes, reading classics, and the outdoors.

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Blog Posts

Bluehost vs Hostinger: Popular Doesn’t Mean Better in 2024

Bluehost might be the biggest name in hosting, but that doesn’t necessarily make it the best. I thought it would be interesting to put it up against Hostinger  - which may not be a marketing superstar, but it’s still one of the more well-known names in hosting circles. After testing both hosts, it was clear to me that in most areas, Hostinger has much more to offer. It’s...


Amazon Web Services vs. GoDaddy: Our Surprising Results 2024

Both Amazon Web Services (AWS) and GoDaddy are big names in the web hosting world, and they have lots of hosting options - but that’s about where the similarities end. AWS is better if you’re a developer, while GoDaddy’s web hosting plans are best if you need a personal or small-business website. AWS is more than hosting, it’s Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), with...


HostGator vs HostMonster: Close Match, One Winner 2024

Paying more doesn’t necessarily mean you’re getting more. While HostMonster’s packages are pricier than HostGator’s, it’s HostGator that comes out on top as the better hosting option. The results of my testing show that HostGator offers more features and functionality than HostMonster, not to mention higher levels of customer support and better overall performance...