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Kei.pl Review 2025 – Is it a Wise Investment?

Hendrik Human Written by: Hendrik Human

Since Kei.pl is an affordable hosting provider with a long history and excellent reputation, it comes as no shock that it boasts some big-name clients. But you should also find something to suit you if you’re just starting out with hosting.

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Having been founded in the year 2000, Kei.pl is one of Poland’s most experienced web hosting companies. Its mission is to provide customers with an easy way to get secure and reliable shared, VPS, and dedicated server hosting. The product catalog has something for everyone from hobbyists to large businesses who need resource-intensive infrastructure for their business solutions.

Kei.pl operates its own data center in Krakow, Poland, and its website is in Polish.

Features and Ease of Use

Screenshot 2019 04 24 at 08.40.15

Kei.pl provides feature-rich hosting with powerful add-ons. Its feature set including:

  • Discounted domains with all hosting plans
  • Unlimited databases and websites
  • Free Let’s Encrypt SSL certificates
  • Automatic daily backups stored for up to three days
  • Up to 200 GB HD or 60 GB SSD storage
  • Unlimited monthly bandwidth limits

The hosting also comes with some pretty good features such as automated daily backups, free Anycast DNS management, and an integrated CDN.

To manage your hosting, Kei.pl provides its WebAs control panel that is demoed on its website. This panel provides a good balance between ease-of-use and control over your hosting. Importantly, it includes a one-click app installer that lets you install WordPress, Joomla, Drupal, or almost any other CMS.

If you’re looking for a dedicated server, you’ll definitely find something of interest at Kei.pl. Some of its dedicated servers are optimized for Magento, while others are configured for resellers. You can choose between a root server (if you want to manage your server yourself) or a server administration package (so they will do the management for you). Servers run on the latest Intel Xeon technology with SSD storage available.

Pricing and Support


Kei.pl tends to offer its shared hosting at very low introductory prices, then bump them up to standard (but not excessive) rates in the second and subsequent years. For the price you pay, you get a fair amount of storage and bandwidth, and no limit on the number of databases or websites you can host.

You get a free shared SSL certificate or a heavily discounted private SSL certificate for the first year.  There is no free domain, but you can pick one up at a pretty low price to go with your hosting. As long as you steer clear of the cheapest plans, Kei.pl also offers free migration services for shared hosting and VPS customers. Note that the migration fee is quite high if you choose the cheapest hosting plan(s).

Do you still need some convincing before you sign up? If so, you can take advantage of the 14-day free trial, which is a good idea since the minimum commitment is one year thereafter.

You can contact Kei.pl’s 24/7 technical support team (even while a free customer)  via telephone, ticket, email, or live chat. The live chat agent was very responsive and stuck with me until all my questions were answered.

Kei.pl offers a pretty comprehensive knowledge base for self-support.


How does Kei.pl match up to the competition?

1HostingerCompareOur Score4.9Compare
1IONOSCompareOur Score4.9Compare
1Kei.plCompareOur Score4.5Compare
1Go4HostingCompareOur Score2.4Compare


Kei.pl is one of those hosting vendors where it is hard to find any gaps in its service. Attentive support, affordable prices, and superb features are all that any of us could ask for. The only limitation, as far as I can see, is that this vendor aims its services mainly at a Polish customer base.


  • 14-day free trial
  • Responsive 24/7 live chat support
  • Free SSL, CDN, and DNS
  • Huge variety of packages and prices


  • No short-term billing
  • No uptime guarantee

For hosting with something for everyone (especially if you’re Polish), go to Kei.pl.
Hendrik Human Hendrik Human
Hi, I’m Hendrik, your web guru. The only two things you need to know about me are: I love making websites, and I love to write about how to do it. That’s why I’m here – to help make it fun and easy for you too.
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Kei.pl to firma profesjonalna godna zaufania

Absolutnie nie zgadzam się z przedmówcą odnośnie opinii. Z firmy kei.pl korzystam nieprzerwanie od ponad 10 lat. Moim zdaniem jest to firma hostingowa jedna z lepszych jeśli nie najlepsza w Polsce. Profesjonalny panel, profesjonalna i szybka obsługa o każdej porze dnia i nocy czy w święta. Ktoś to odbiera telefon na infolinii ma wiedzę i zawsze udzielana jest fachowa pomoc, a nie jak czasem się zdarza u innych firm hostingowych trzeba wysłać wiadomość, bo na infolinii nie są w stanie pomóc od razu, a proszą o wysłanie zgłoszenia na email "bo muszą się zastanowić" co jest nie tak. Instaluję na tym serwerze i strony Joomla i Wordpress i oprogramowanie Prestashop i nie dało się zauważyć przez tyle lat żadnych problemów. Czasem jakiś problem związany może być z niewiedzą, a nie z powodu złego hostingu czy wsparcia. Przez tyle lat korzystania z ich usług mogę napisać podsumowanie. Jeśli chcecie mieć fachową obsługę, profesjonalny serwer to naprawdę szczerze polecam tę firmę.

Renata, Poland
April 06, 2021
Kei.pl to złodzieje

Trzymajcie się z dala od tej firmy. 50% funkcji w ich panelu nie działa i wysypuje resztę funkcji. Instalacja Presty trwa u nich godziny, bo godzinami trzeba się użerać z ich obsługą, bo nawet obsługa domeny nie jest u nich w panelu możliwa. Tracisz cały dzień na coś, co normalnie trwa 10 min. Kei obiecuje, że już wszystko działa. Po czym okazuje się, że wystarczy, że coś doinstalujesz na serwer, to Ci resztę wysypuje. To jakby dziecku sprzedać samochodzik, ale bez kółeczek. A co tam kółeczka! Po złożonej reklamacji bezczelnie zaprzeczyli, że cokolwiek im miało by nie działać i odmówili zwrotu kosztów.

Mateusz Lechowicz, Poland
June 30, 2020
Family sharingMulti User SharingExpert SupportBackupSmart syncPersonal SolutionBusiness SolutionTeams optionsOffline foldersFile history and recovery
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