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  5. How Nividous Automations Generate ROI Within 6 Months (at 5x Lower Costs): Q/A with President Alan Hester
How Nividous Automations Generate ROI Within 6 Months (at 5x Lower Costs): Q/A with President Alan Hester

How Nividous Automations Generate ROI Within 6 Months (at 5x Lower Costs): Q/A with President Alan Hester

Roberto Popolizio
Website Planet interviewed Alan Hester, President of Nividous Software Solutions Inc., to learn how Nividous holistic automation solutions integrate Robotic Process Automation (RPA), Low-Code Process Automation (LPA), and Artificial Intelligence (AI) to fix some of the most crucial pain points for businesses working on their digital transformation and operational efficiency.

The impact of Nividous solutions is evident in the significant milestones they have achieved: serving a diverse clientele that spans the globe, driving substantial reductions in operational expenses for our clients, and achieving a high customer retention rate. This is further underscored by industry recognition and awards, reflecting their commitment to excellence and innovation in the rapidly evolving field of automation technology.

What we will learn from reading this interview:
  • How Nividous users reduce their processing times by up to 50-70%
  • How Nividous cuts operational costs by increasing efficiency and lowering error rates
  • The growth strategies that helped them increase their revenue by 30% YOY, and how they plan to keep growing

What problems are you solving for your customers?

At Nividous, we are deeply committed to solving a range of critical pain points that organizations face in their quest for digital transformation and operational efficiency. Our customers, spanning various industries, encounter challenges such as siloed process automation, high operational costs, and the need for rapid adaptation to changing market dynamics.

These challenges often result in decreased productivity, elevated risk of errors, and missed opportunities for growth and innovation.

One of the primary pain points we address is the fragmentation of automation tools. Many organizations rely on a patchwork of solutions for robotic process automation (RPA), low-code process automation(LPA), and artificial intelligence (AI).

This disjointed approach not only complicates the integration and scalability of solutions but also leads to increased training requirements and higher total cost of ownership (TCO). Without a unified platform, businesses struggle to achieve seamless process automation, which is critical for enhancing efficiency and responsiveness to market changes.

Common solutions in the market range from do-it-yourself (DIY) tools to offerings from competitors that might specialize in one or two aspects of automation but do not provide a holistic solution:
  • While DIY solutions offer customization, they require significant investment in development and maintenance, and often lack scalability.
  • Competitor solutions, on the other hand, may necessitate integrating multiple products to cover the full spectrum of automation needs, leading to complexity and increased costs.
Nividous sets itself apart by offering an all-encompassing automation platform that integrates RPA, LPA, and AI capabilities. This integration not only accelerates development times but also simplifies training and significantly reduces the total cost of ownership. In fact, our platform is designed to be flexible and scalable, enabling businesses to adapt quickly to new opportunities and challenges.

Additionally, Nividous offers comprehensive implementation services to ensure that enterprise process automations are effectively tailored to meet the unique needs of each customer.

The benefits of our approach are manifold:

  1. By leveraging our unified platform, customers can streamline their operations, reduce errors, and free up valuable resources for strategic initiatives.
  2. The ease of use and reduced learning curve associated with our integrated solution mean businesses can quickly achieve operational efficiencies and a faster return on investment.
  3. Nividous empowers organizations to not only meet their current automation needs but also to be well-positioned for future growth and innovation, all while maintaining a lean operational model.

Which types of companies benefit the most from your services?

The holistic automation platform offered by Nividous benefits companies across a broad spectrum of industries, including but not limited to, financial services, healthcare, manufacturing, and logistics. These sectors are highly affected by the pain points our services aim to solve, such as the need for streamlined operations, compliance with stringent regulatory requirements, and the demand for high operational efficiency to maintain competitive advantage.

In the financial services sector, companies face a dual challenge:
  • Complying with complex, ever-changing regulatory environments
  • The need for rapid processing of high volumes of transactions
The fragmentation of traditional automation solutions can lead to inefficiencies, increased risk of compliance violations, and customer dissatisfaction. Nividous’ integrated platform addresses these issues by enabling seamless automation of processes, from customer onboarding to compliance checks, ensuring speed and accuracy.

Healthcare organizations grapple with managing sensitive patient data meticulously while providing timely and efficient care. The consequences of errors or delays in this industry are particularly severe, affecting patient health outcomes. Automating patient records management, appointment scheduling, and claims processing through a unified platform can significantly enhance operational efficiency, reduce errors, and improve patient care and satisfaction.

“Nividous’ AI-powered RPA Bots allowed for frictionless medical data retrieval to complete complex coding that is required to ensure fast, maximum Medicare payment. We have improved coding accuracy by 90%, process turnaround time by 85%, and reduced manual work by 95%. The automation has also enabled us to file reports directly into our customer’s EMR (Electronic Medical Record) system within 24 hours thus cutting down on their administrative burden.”

Founder & CEO of Kane Wound Care

Manufacturing and logistics companies operate in fast-paced, complex environments where supply chain efficiency, inventory management, and timely delivery are critical. These sectors benefit immensely from automation that can adapt to changing market conditions, manage complex operations, and ensure timely delivery of goods. Nividous’ platform facilitates the automation of supply chain processes, inventory tracking, and shipment scheduling, leading to improved operational efficiency, reduced costs, and increased customer satisfaction.

The outcomes sought by these industries from adopting Nividous’ services include enhanced operational efficiency, compliance with regulatory standards, reduction in operational costs, and the ability to rapidly adapt to market changes. By addressing the specific pain points of each industry with a unified automation platform, Nividous enables growth, innovation, and competitive advantage.

What makes them eventually choose you over your competitors?

Companies that have chosen Nividous over our competitors often cite several key factors that influenced their decision, reflecting feedback received from users who have switched to our platform after trying alternative solutions.

Our most frequently highlighted differentiators:
  • Comprehensiveness of our solution
  • Ease of integration, scalability
  • The hands-on support and implementation services we provide
Users have praised the all-in-one nature of our platform, which integrates RPA, LPA, and AI capabilities. This integration allows for a more streamlined approach to automation, eliminating the need to juggle multiple vendors or solutions. The ease of integration with existing systems is often mentioned as a significant advantage, as it reduces the complexity and time involved in deployment.

Additionally, the scalability of our solution means that as businesses grow and their needs evolve, our platform can adapt to meet these changing demands without the need for extensive reconfiguration or additional investment in new tools.

Measurable results reported by our users include significant reductions in processing times, sometimes by as much as 50-70%, and a noticeable decrease in operational costs due to increased efficiency and lower error rates. For example, a financial services company noted a 60% reduction in the time required for loan processing, directly impacting their bottom line by enabling them to serve more customers without compromising service quality.

Healthcare organizations have reported improved patient satisfaction scores due to faster and more accurate processing of patient information.

The transformation experienced by our customers often revolves around their newfound ability to focus on strategic initiatives rather than being bogged down by operational inefficiencies. They have moved from manual, error-prone processes to automated, reliable workflows, enabling them to redirect resources toward innovation and customer service. This shift has not only improved internal morale but also enhanced their competitive edge in the market.

When recommending Nividous to others, our clients often highlight the tangible benefits they’ve experienced, such as cost savings, improved efficiency, and the superior support they received throughout the implementation process.

Testimonials frequently emphasize the peace of mind that comes from having a reliable, scalable automation solution in place, allowing them to adapt quickly to new opportunities and challenges – “Choosing Nividous was a game-changer for us,” is a sentiment we hear often, underscoring the transformative impact of our platform on their operations and strategic goals.

Since you started, what helped you grow and retain your audience?

The growth of Nividous and our ability to retain our audience have always been driven by a multi-faceted approach that focuses on delivering value at every interaction, leveraging technology and data to inform our strategies, and maintaining a customer-centric ethos. Our strategies are built around a mix of content marketing, targeted advertising, robust customer service, and continuous product innovation.

Content Marketing and SEO
One of the cornerstones of our strategy has been a strong emphasis on content marketing, complemented by a rigorous search engine optimization (SEO) strategy. We produce high-quality, informative content that addresses the specific pain points and interests of our target audience. This content is distributed across various channels, including our blog, social media platforms, and industry publications.

By focusing on SEO, we ensure that our content ranks well in search engine results, driving organic traffic to our site. The key to our success in this area has been the use of analytics tools to monitor performance and adjust strategies based on what the data tells us about user engagement and search trends.

Targeted Advertising and Social Media

We’ve utilized targeted advertising on platforms like LinkedIn, where our primary audience spends a significant amount of their professional time. Our ads are designed to be highly relevant and engaging, leading viewers to a well-optimized landing page that encourages conversion.

Social media has been pivotal not just for direct advertising but for building community and engaging in conversations that position us as thought leaders in our space. The effectiveness of these strategies lies in our ability to segment our audience accurately and deliver messages that resonate with their specific needs and interests.

Customer Retention

To retain customers and encourage loyalty, we’ve implemented a comprehensive customer service program that includes proactive outreach, regular check-ins, and tailored support solutions. We also offer exclusive content, webinars, and training sessions to existing customers to help them get the most out of our platform.

Our customer success team uses CRM tools to monitor customer health scores and identify opportunities for intervention before issues escalate. This proactive approach has been instrumental in maintaining high customer satisfaction and retention rates.

Learning from Past Experiences

Early on, we tried a broad-based approach to digital advertising, casting a wide net in hopes of capturing a large audience. However, we found that without precise targeting, our return on investment was low. This experience taught us the value of deeply understanding our audience and leveraging data to refine our marketing strategies, leading to more efficient and effective campaigns.

In summary, our growth and retention strategies are built on a foundation of delivering value through targeted, data-informed marketing efforts, engaging content, and exceptional customer service. By continuously refining our approach based on data and customer feedback, we’ve been able to grow our audience and maintain a strong relationship with our existing customers.

How are you doing today and what’s in the roadmap for the future?

Since its inception, Nividous has sustained profitable growth, even amidst the global economic uncertainties of the past three years. We have managed to increase our revenue by 30% year on year while maintaining profitability. This growth underscores the strength of our offerings in the Intelligent Automation space. To stay competitive, we have been reinvesting the cash flows generated from our profits back into the business, specifically in R&D and Sales & Marketing. Our strategy focuses on solving real-world business problems with technology as a means to this end. This approach has enabled us to cultivate a trusted customer base that remains loyal over long periods, with an impressive customer retention rate of nearly 98%.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has dramatically transformed the technology landscape in the last 2-3 years. Anticipating this trend, we made significant investments early on to enhance our products with AI capabilities. This foresight has positioned us as industry leaders in the domain of Intelligent Document Processing (IDP), as recognized by several analysts. Handling both unstructured and structured documents and content is a major challenge that consumes substantial human resources in any organization. Nividous has successfully addressed some of the most complex issues related to document/content extraction for our customers.

Moreover, from the outset, we have championed the concept of end-to-end business process automation—not just automating tasks—that orchestrates the efforts of both humans and bots. Businesses cannot enhance their processes without complete visibility, and automation offers the best pathway to this end. Our customers require speed to achieve comprehensive process automation, prompting Nividous to continue investing in low-code/no-code automation solutions to democratize access to our products within organizations easily.

Nividous serves customers across all continents, with a particular focus so far on North America and South Asia. Over the next two years, we plan to expand our presence in the EU, MEA, and APAC regions through direct efforts and channel partnerships. Our future goals, including specific revenue and customer base targets set for this year, can be significantly accelerated with appropriate funding for both product development and Sales & Marketing efforts. Once we reach these milestones, we will be seeking external funding to further expedite our growth.

What tools are you using to run your business and daily activities?

While we advocate for automation to our customers as a means to significantly enhance organizational efficiency, we recognize the importance of adopting the same principles within our own operations. We rigorously evaluate and implement relevant tools throughout our organization to ensure our business runs smoothly and securely. Our internal product engineering systems are hosted on Google Cloud, enabling continuous integration and automation through our own tools. Our automated quality assurance platform facilitates the release of high-quality products more rapidly. Additionally, we have introduced a community portal that streamlines the delivery of product training to partners, customers, and our employees, ensuring consistent and accessible learning opportunities.

To maintain high employee productivity and security, our internal IT and HR teams utilize a variety of off-the-shelf tools. Implementing these tools across all departments has not only helped us achieve ISO 27001 compliance but has also provided the flexibility to offer remote work options to our staff of hundreds of employees.

Monitoring lead generation and managing the sales funnel are critical for reaching our revenue goals. To this end, we employ a suite of tools from Salesforce, including Marketing Cloud Account Engagement, Partner Community, and Sales Cloud. Beyond utilizing these platforms, we have undertaken custom development and integrated add-on products to further streamline our sales and marketing efforts. Our sales team leverages Apollo for its engagement capabilities, tracking features, and a range of beneficial AI tools. Additionally, we use Google Analytics, SEMRush, and HotJar to continuously monitor and enhance our website’s content and performance, ensuring an optimal user experience.

What perspective do you have about where your industry is headed?

In the rapidly evolving landscape of automation technology, there’s a nuanced understanding that often eludes the broader market: automation is not just about reducing manpower or costs but about enhancing capabilities and fostering innovation. Many still view technologies like robotic process automation (RPA), artificial intelligence (AI), and low-code process automation (LPA) as mere tools for efficiency, overlooking their potential to unlock new value streams, drive strategic decision-making, and catalyze growth. This oversight stems partly from the industry’s early messaging focused on cost-cutting and partly from a lack of widespread exposure to successful integrations of these technologies at a strategic level.

Looking ahead, the industry faces both significant challenges and opportunities. On the challenge front, the increasing complexity of business processes and the escalating demand for sophisticated automation solutions that can seamlessly integrate with legacy systems present a significant hurdle. Additionally, there’s the ongoing challenge of keeping up with the rapid pace of technological advancements while ensuring data security and compliance. Conversely, these challenges open up vast opportunities for innovation, particularly in developing more intelligent, self-learning automation systems that can predict and adapt to changing business needs in real time. The rise of no-code and low-code platforms presents another opportunity, democratizing access to automation technologies and enabling a broader base of users to create and customize solutions without deep technical expertise.

Data supporting this shift includes the growing market size for RPA, AI, and LPA technologies, projected to reach billions in the coming years, indicating increased adoption and investment. Surveys from industry bodies highlight a growing recognition among executives of automation’s strategic importance beyond mere cost savings, with a notable shift towards leveraging these technologies for agility, customer satisfaction, and competitive differentiation.

Task-based automation technology is now being commoditized and there is an assumption that standard functionality in this space will be provided by all available automation tools. Integrated solutions will grow in popularity as vendors become recognized for their industry and application-specific knowledge as much as for their expertise on the underlying technologies.

An alternative trajectory for the industry focuses more on democratizing automation technologies, moving away from complex, enterprise-level solutions to more user-friendly platforms accessible to smaller businesses and non-technical users. This shift could foster a more inclusive digital transformation landscape, enabling innovation at all levels of business. While this approach may seem less lucrative than targeting large enterprises, it could lead to a wider adoption rate, spur innovation from a broader base, and ultimately expand the market for advanced automation solutions. The long-term benefits of widespread automation adoption and the potential for fostering a more innovative and agile business ecosystem could help to drive this alternative approach. By challenging the status quo and advocating for a more democratized approach to automation, the industry could unlock new growth avenues and contribute to a more resilient and innovative business landscape.

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