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How our spell checker tool works

Pick your page

Enter the URL of the page you want to check or paste your copy directly into the editor. Our spell checker tool will highlight the words and sentences that need a little attention and give you helpful suggestions.

Make your changes

Download a report of the amends and suggestions so you can keep track of what needs updating or make the changes in our online editor.

Impress with word-perfect copy

Whether you’re working on a dissertation, a book, or an email, make sure everything you write is word-perfect and error-free. You can even set yourself a reminder to re-check your favorite and most popular URLs in the future.

Perguntas frequentes

How does a spell checker work?

A spell checker helps you pinpoint misspellings. It does this by comparing each word in a block of text or URL you are checking against thousands of correctly spelled words. If there are no matches, it will then look for suggestions that are similar in sound and structure to help you identify the correct spelling.

How does a grammar checker work?

A grammar checker reads through your work and looks for grammatical errors including misspellings, missing punctuation, subject-verb agreement, run-on sentences, and more. Once it has found an error, it will give you suggestions on how to fix it. Grammar checking works best with large sections of text, particularly essays, research papers, and articles.

What errors can this spell checker tool detect?

Our spell checker tool does more than just detect spelling errors. It will, of course, pick out possible typos and give you suggestions to help you fix them. However, it will also highlight phrases and words that might be redundant, missing hyphenation, and grammatical errors. If you only want to see spelling errors, you can filter the results on the left-hand side of the page.
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