CrowdSpring是一个基本、可靠的标志设计内容服务。 其提供理想的标志,同时避免掉许多麻烦。 其出色的简介、定价系统以及经验丰富和技术熟练的设计师社群使这个平台无与伦比。
别指望太复杂或精美的设计! 但是,其性价比相当合宜。 他们通常提供比竞争对手更实惠的价格,所以我们热烈推荐您参考其服务。
- 优异的支持服务
- 社群功能
- 价格实惠
CrowdSpring是一个基本、可靠的标志设计内容服务。 其提供理想的标志,同时避免掉许多麻烦。 其出色的简介、定价系统以及经验丰富和技术熟练的设计师社群使这个平台无与伦比。
别指望太复杂或精美的设计! 但是,其性价比相当合宜。 他们通常提供比竞争对手更实惠的价格,所以我们热烈推荐您参考其服务。
CrowdSpring的简报可以提供更多细节,因为在您希望为参赛选手提供尽可能详尽的资讯时,这点相当令人失望。 但其确实有一个实用的功能 – 您可以选择在最终包中使用哪种文件类型。
设计师档案部分有许多过滤器,可让您轻松找到要找的人。 虽然没有设计师评分,但其皆有作品集,可让您参考他们的作品并邀请他们加入您的计画。
其在比赛阶段还有更多功能可供选择。 其中包括艺术总监和项目经理的「简报」页面,更重要的是,「重点团队」可以让您的同事为您提供意见。
CrowdSpring的网站非常简单、易于导航,并且充分利用简洁的设计,以创造出专业的感觉。作为访问者,您可能会发现除非您注册,否则大多数比赛都不能观看这点很烦人,但若您是想试图向竞争对手隐藏新商标的客户时,这点却可能是一大好处。其比赛制作界面非常优质,并在订单表单上列出所有潜在的升级和附加内容 – 其中还包括您的简介。您可以在继续进行支付阶段之前查看您的订单,而支付将启动您的比赛。在您评分、评论、分享您的参赛作品并最终选出胜利者之后,您和设计师将有30天的时间完成订单,并在您收到完成的标志之前进行小幅更改。
CrowdSpring的支持服务非常优异。 他们拥有您可以想到的所有联系方式,然后还有更多其他联系方式,如Facebook和Twitter帐号,这些帐号显然也是客户服务的管道之一。其常见问题的解答极其详尽,并在订单和网站上提供即时支持,而其网站也相当实在地列出他们的办公时间和电话号码。 不过,如果您在星期天得到答复,也不要感到惊讶 – CrowdSpring就是那么好。
CrowdSpring的定价系统有点令人困惑。 部分原因在于其区分了项目类型。 这会增加您对其他项目管理和软体包的选择,同时影响您预期的参赛作品和设计师数量。
话虽如此,我们觉得CrowdSpring的Silver选项其实非常实惠。 其可以让您接触众多设计师,并获得具有成本效益的价格。
Crowdspring is simply a huge scam! The get the money from clients but don't pay designers. The pretty cherry on top of this cake is the threating and rude messages creatives get from support.
First tell them to pay to designer. I was got cheated. More than one year and still not paid. All the real graphic designer are gone!
I am graphic designer and worked with them until they stopped paying their designer. More than one year and still not paid. All the real graphic designer are gone!
Crowdspring delays the payment for their creatives. Been requested the payment for more than a month and they still no payment. BAD!
Lately, I have been reading on social media about Crowdspring. They have not paid the creatives for months. It seems Crowdspring will be going into a deep legal situation very soon.
I've requested a refund as the quality of the work was not good. Their money-back guarantee is totally fake. They have confirmed me that I would be refunded in 3 weeks. After that, they never replied to my mail and I never got any refund. I'm stil trying to reach them for my refund.
I'm waiting 2 months for a refund I was told I'd have within 3 weeks. No replies to emails or phone. The chatbot is inactive and their Facebook comment too - that just refers you back to the chatbot. I'd give no stars if that was available. Absolute amateur company. STAT AWAY!
Great experience - from concept to site design to excellent Creatives for a great value. My only recommendation is to allow Clients to privately save/tag 'favorites' in addition to current star ratings - this would be much better for narrowing down top design choices (as there are several 4- and 5-star designs to sift through).