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Fiverr Releases 2023 ESG Report

Fiverr Releases 2023 ESG Report

Ivana Shteriova Written by:
Alexandros Melidoniotis Reviewed by: Alexandros Melidoniotis
August 28, 2024
Freelance platform Fiverr published its 2023 Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) report, detailing its efforts throughout 2023 to support the four key pillars of its ESG strategy: creating fair economic and social opportunities, maintaining marketplace integrity and ethics, empowering people, and fighting climate change.

As part of Fiverr’s efforts to create fair economic and social opportunities, the company focused on numerous programs, including the Future Collective Program, Ideatorr, and Female Founder Competition. It empowered underrepresented entrepreneurs with more than $350K in grants. Its Digital Workforce Development Initiatives further supported these efforts, like Fiverr Empower and Fiverr for All.

Additionally, Fiverr hosted more than 186 global community events, bringing more than 23K community members together.

The ESG report details Fiverr’s commitment to empowering its employees. The company received an 84% favorable rating from its employees on topics like alignment with leadership, opportunities for professional development, and other areas.

Fiverr further supported its workforce with tailored management programs and other learning and development opportunities. This year, Fiverr celebrated its second International Freelancer Day with multiple announcements and initiatives regarding the empowerment and wellness of its independent talent.

The report also covers Fiverr’s efforts to foster diversity among its workforce, with 38% (up from 33% the previous year) of its US workforce identifying as diverse. Moreover, half of its global team and senior management identified as females in 2023.

As part of its ESG initiative, Fiverr strives to become a carbon-neutral business by 2030. The company has taken measures to contribute to “a greener, cleaner world for everyone.” It reduced its overall emissions for 2023 in scope 1 & 2 by 22% compared to the previous year and by 36% compared to 2020. Most notably, since the beginning of this year, half of Fiverr’s electricity usage at its headquarters has come from renewable sources.

Finally, the ESG report showcases Fiverr’s positive contribution to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs), focusing on six of the 17 UN SDGs. These include Affordable and Clean Energy, Climate Action, Decent Work and economic growth, Gender Equality, Reduced Inequality, and Quality Education.

“In a dynamic and ever-changing world, with evolving challenges, it is important that Fiverr continues to demonstrate its commitment to the global community through these impact-driven initiatives that take us a step closer to greater equity,” Micha Kaufman, founder and CEO of Fiverr said in a press release.

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